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Sinusitis is an inflammation, either bacterial, viral or allergic/inflammatory, of the paranasal sinuses. It can be acute (going on less than three weeks) or chronic (going on more than three weeks). Sinusitis is one of the most common complications of the common cold. Symptoms include: Headache; facial pain; nasal obstruction; fever; general malaise; thick green or yellow discharge; feeling of facial 'fullness' worsening on bending.

Self-help measures include simple painkillers (aspirin, acetaminophen or similar), inhaling steam, hot drinks including tea and chicken soup, over-the-counter decongestants, and getting plenty of rest. If sinusitis doesn't improve within 48 hours, or is causing significant pain, one should see a doctor, who may prescribe antibiotics or nasal steroids.

For chronic or recurring sinusitis, you should be referred to an otolaryngologist for more specialist assessment and treatment, which may include nasal surgery.

Factors which may predispose you to developing sinusitis include: allergies; structural problems such as a deviated nasal septum; smoking; nasal polyps. Recent advances in the treatment of sinusitis is a type of surgery called FESS - Functional endoscopic sinus surgery, whereby diseases in the sinuses are cleared and normal clearance from the sinuses are restored by removing the anatomical and pathological variations that predispose to sinusitis.