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Socialism and Nazism

This article deals with the relationship between Socialism and Nazism.

Nazism, i.e., National Socialism, appears to some as a form of socialism but this is commonly rejected by modern socialists. The word Totalitarianism was coined to address the similarities of Nazism and Stalinist Socialism

The view that the Nazis were socialists is nevertheless promoted by some. Others consider this label a smear tactic employed with the sole motive of associating socialist policies with genocide, mass murder, forced labor and aggressive expansionism, attributes which they feel are at best characteristic for totalitarian communist regimes.

Table of contents
1 Reasons Nazism is considered socialist
2 Reasons Nazism is not considered socialist
3 Means of production
4 Centralized planning

Reasons Nazism is considered socialist

Reasons Nazism is not considered socialist

Means of production

One definition of socialism is:

"[A] system of social organization by which the major means of production and distribution are owned, managed, and controlled by the government, by an association or workers, or the community as a whole."

To the extent which Nazi Germany nationalized the means of production in the 1930s and early 1940s, it fits this definition.

Centralized planning

In some versions of socialism, collective ownership is limited to control of natural resources and utilities. In others, there is a view that economic planning and control should be centralized in the state.

To the extent that the Nazis centralized economic planning and control, it might seem to some to fit this description as well. Centralized economic planning and control is a necessary condition of socialism.