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Soyuz 22

Soyuz 22
Mission Statistics
Mission Name:Soyuz 22
Call Sign:Ястреб (Yastreb - "Hawk")
Number of Crew Members:2
Launch:September 9, 1976
09:48 UTC
Baikonur LC1
Landing:September 23, 1976
07:40 UTC
150km NW of Tselinograd
Duration:7 days, 21 hours, 52 minutes
Number of Orbits:127

Soyuz 22 was an earth-sciences mission using a modified Soyuz capsule that had served as a backup for the Apollo-Soyuz mission the previous year.

Cosmonauts Valery Bykovsky and Vladimir Aksyonov spent a week in orbit photographing the surface of the Earth with a specially-built camera. It was hoped that these observations would assist in identifying resources and assisting in economic planning.


Mission Parameters

Previous Mission:
Soyuz 21
Soyuz programme Next Mission:
Soyuz 23