Stans was first mentioned in 1172. In 1798 it was stormed by French troops, followed the decision of Nidwalden not to adapt a new constitution. Children orphanated by this event were gathered by the educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi for his first school. The open-air assembly (Landsgemeinde) was held in Stans annualy until its abolition in 1997.
There are 650 local businesses which employ 6900 people. 2% of these are in the agricultural sector, 37% in trade and industry, 61% in services.
The main sights of Stans are: the Stanserhorn (1900m) mountain and tourist resort, the main square (Dorfplatz), the parish church St. Peter und Paul (built 1641 - 1647) with a Romanesque tower, the monastery St. Klara, a monument for the local hero Winkelried and his birth place (Winkelriedhaus), a Chapucin monastery, a salt storage house, and an old alleyway (Schmiedgasse).History