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In mathematics, a surface is a 2-manifold. In what follows, all surfaces are considered to be second-countable (see the Topology Glossary) and without boundary.

Connected, compact surfaces can be divided into three infinite sequences:

Non-compact connected surfaces are just these with one or more (possibly infinitely many) punctures. The precise statement is that one removes a closed, totally disconnected set from a connected, compact surface. A surface can be embedded in R3 if it is orientable or if it has at least one puncture. All can be embedded in R4. To make some models, attach the sides of these (and remove the corners to puncture):
      *              *                    B                B
     v v            v ^                *>>>>>*          *>>>>>*
    v   v          v   ^               v     v          v     v
  A v   v A      A v   ^ A           A v     v A      A v     v A
    v   v          v   ^               v     v          v     v
     v v            v ^                *<<<<<*          *>>>>>*
      *              *                    B                B

sphere real projective plane Klein bottle torus (punctured: Möbius band) (sphere with handle)