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Ted DiBiase

Theodore Marvin Dibiase, much better known as Ted DiBiase or The Million-Dollar Man (born on January 18, 1954 in Omaha, Nebraska) is an American professional wrestler.

There is no doubt that DiBiase, although never winning any major titles, held one of the most illustrious careers in professional wrestling. He was trained by Dory Funk, Jr and stepped into the squared circle for the first time in his junior year. Shortly after he was married in 1981, the World Wrestling Federation noticed him and took him in.

He became a tremendous enemy of fan-favorite champions from day one and became one of the most hated wrestlers by fans. He also acquired a bodyguard, Virgil, who tired of DiBiase's abuse and broke away shortly after Wrestlemania VI. Before Wrestlemania IV, André the Giant defeated Hulk Hogan in a very questionable decision for the WWF Championship, then Andre turned and submitted the belt to DiBiase. The WWF refused to acknowledge DiBiase as the champion and declared the title vacant.

DiBiase wrestled until 1994 when a back injury forced him to leave wrestling for good. DiBiase is arguably one of the best wrestlers around with one major flaw - he was very "middle-of-the-road," that is, he was never very good or very bad.