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The Brentford Trilogy

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The Brentford Trilogy is a series of five novels by writer Robert Rankin. They humourously chronicle the lives of a couple of drunken middle-aged layabouts, Jim Pooley and John Omally, who confront the forces of darkness in the environs of West London, usually with the assistance of large quantities of beer from their favourite public house, The Flying Swan, which is a fictionally quintessential British public house on a par with George Orwell's Moon Under Water, another famous fictional and idealised drinking place.

Amongst other characters are such gems as their mentor, Professor Slocombe, who is no slouch in the area of the magical arts himself, Neville the part-time barman, Small Dave the Postman, and Old Pete.

The novels in this series are as follows:

Two of Rankin's other novels feature Pooley and Omally, but are not part of The Brentford Trilogy;