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The Shooting Star

The Shooting Star is the English title of L'étoile Mysterieuse, a book in Herge's Tintin series.

Warning: Wikipedia contains spoilers!

The Shooting Star is an adventure in which Tintin travels with Professer Phostle, and Captain Haddock to the Arctic Ocean to recover a piece of an enormous meteor that is composed of an unknown metal.


Tintin is out walking with Snowy one night, and notices an extra star in the Great Bear. when he reaches home, he dials the Observatory. They say that they have the phenomon under observation and hang up.

Tintin wonders why it is so hot, and opens the window. He sees that the star is getting bigger every minute. He walks to the Observatory, and, after some trouble, gets inside. He meets someone leaving who tells him that "it is a Judgement! Woe!". Puzzled, he knocks. Receving no answer, he enters the telescope room and sees two men seated at a small table. He asks for the Director of the Observatory.