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Tietze's syndrome

Widely regarded as a benign inflammation of the ligaments connecting to the sternum or ribs, Tietze's Syndrome is most common among patients who have had thoracic surgery. The primary presentation of the syndrome is significant, acute pain in the chest or back, along with inflammation of the ligaments (palpable on examination) between the ribs.

The most likely cause of Tietze's Syndrome is virus introduction during surgery. Once present, the virus responsible for Tietze's will remain dormant and flare up at times when the patient's immune response increases; i.e., a patient will often have a recurrence of pain and inflammation when she or he catches a common cold.

Although patients will often mistake the pain of Tietze's Syndrome for a myocardial infarction or heart attack, it is believed that the syndrome does not progress to cause harm to any organs. Doctors will need to reassure patients that the pain is not associated with a heart attack, and they may need to treat the pain. In some cases, the pain can be severe enough to cause significant but temporary disability to the patient.