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Timothy West

Timothy West (born October 20, 1934) is a British film, stage and television actor. He was born in Bradford, Yorkshire, and is married to the actress Prunella Scales. They are prominent supporters of the British Labour Party.

West's craggy looks ensured a career as a character actor rather than a leading man. Having spent years as a familiar face who never quite became a household name, his big chance came with the major television series, Edward the Seventh (1975), in which he played the title role and his real-life sons played the sons of King Edward VII as children. Other major roles have included parts in the films, The Thirty-Nine Steps (1978) and Cry Freedom (1987). In 1997, he played Gloucester in the BBC television production of King Lear.

In 2001, West played the older Maurice in Iris, while his actor son, Samuel West, played young Maurice.