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Toilet humour

Public reference to bodily functions such as urination and defecation arouses intense anxiety in many people. For this reason, there is a whole sub-genre of humour, toilet humour based around excretion. This genre is particularly popular with children.

Much of the lyrical content of avant garde rock musician Frank Zappa's songs revolved around toilet humour, eg, "Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow" (from the album Apostrophe)

Toilet humour also refers to jokes around modesty, such as if one is seen naked or in his/her undergarments. It can also refer to jokes revolving around the incontinence of infants and young children.

Many forms of toilet humour involve euphemisms for excretion, such as the following:


Defecation Flatulence Vomiting Ambiguous See also: Scatology, gross-out film, lighting farts