Vie is also home to the State Hospital of Oradea (Spitalul Judetean), the tuberculosis hospital (Spital TBC), and the mental hospital. In Communist times, apartment buildings were constructed at the bottom of the hills of Vie. Fortunately, these buildings are attractive and add to the picturesque touch of the area.
The border between Vie and the city centre of Oradea is the railway station and railway tracks - everything above the main railway station of Oradea is considered to be part of Vie. Despite its proximity to the railway station and Oradea, Vie is not easy to reach by public transport (except of course the part near the station, by train), because many of its roads are unpaved, and very steep. Some parts of the quarter are within walking distance of the railway station and the main supermarkets and shops of Oradea, whereas others are more secluded and are only reachable by car. There is a frequent bus service, however, that serves the three hospitals in the region, and the houses among them.