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VOR: The Maelstrom

VOR: The Maelstrom is a science-fiction tactical-table game (TTG), set in the 22nd century. In this world, the Earth has been sucked into a pocket universe known as the Maelstrom (hence the name, 'VOR: The Maelstrom').

The Maelstrom itself is a pocket universe that sucks planets into it randomly, as if either to feed or out of malice. Most planets are destroyed or changed beyond recognition, as well as their inhabitants (although humanity got off relatively scot-free compared to some of the other inhabitants).

There are several races in the game story. They are:

Neo-Soviets: This group of humans is descended from modern-day Russia under a military dictatorship. The Neo-Soviets use a large amount of chemical warfare and also mutants (their lands are barren radiated ground due to Union nuclear weapon strikes).