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Your Turn to Fall

Your Turn to Fall

Your Turn to Fall Jandek (1983). Corwood Industries release #0745.

Table of contents
1 Track Listing:
2 Album Cover Description
3 Reviews
4 Outside Links

Track Listing:

  1. Liquids Flow to the Sea
  2. Elementary Talk
  3. John Plays Drums
  4. No Time
  5. You Don't Have to Entertain Me
  6. Decree
  7. New String
  8. Echo
  9. Centaur Train
  10. Dance of Death
  11. If Your Fortune Fails You
  12. I'll Come Back
  13. About Today
  14. Such a Thrill
  15. Didn't Have to Cry
  16. They Knew My Game

Album Cover Description

The first color image since
Ready for the House. A white painted writing desk of some sort is featured. Interesting that his first return to color film stock is so... "colorless"... very drab and bleak.

The frame is skewed... the surface of the desk dips to the left.

A acoustic guitar case lies on its side on the right side of the frame.

Plush blue... something... is in the left side of the frame... perhaps an ottoman... or two cushions stacked on top of one another.

There are three items on the desk's surface... they are all indiscernible.

The carpet is similar enough to Ready for the House to require comment... but dissimilar enough to preclude conviction.


Typical’ all-acoustic early-80s Jandek, which means it was produced in the cold-sun heat of a state knowable only to the artist himself. Some highlights: the hard-picked philosophy of “Elementary Talk”; drummer John pounding freely on “John Plays Drums” with Jandek strumming violently and shouting to be heard (he makes it); the droney psych-folk on “Dance of Death”... “If Your Fortune Fails You” full of Dylan-pathos; the claustrophobic closer, “They Knew My Game,” with distorted mouth-on-mic vocals and what sounds like a dying music box in the background.”

-- Scaruffi, PieroThe History of Rock Music, Vol. 4

Outside Links