Events George A. Moore publishes the final of his 3-volume Hail and Farewell (first in 1911). November 7 - The first issue of The New Republic magazine is published. New Books Arcadian Adventures With the Idle Rich - Stephen Leacock Chicago - Carl Sandburg Concerning a vow - Rhoda Broughton Delia Blanchflower - Mary Augusta Ward Dubliners - James Joyce Mending Wall - Robert Frost Notes of a Son and Brother - Henry James Our Mr. Wrenn - Sinclair Lewis The Revolt of the Angels - Anatole France Ruggles of Red Gap - Harry Leon Wilson The Titan - Theodore Dreiser Vandover and the Brute - Frank Norris When William Came - Saki Births February 5 - William S. Burroughs,author (+ 1997) March 1 - Ralph Ellison, scholar, writer (+ 1994) May 8 - Romain Gary, writer (+ 1980) October 27 - Dylan Thomas, poet and author (+ 1953) Deaths Awards Nobel Prize for Literature: not awarded
Awards Nobel Prize for Literature: not awarded