April 24
April 24 is the 114th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (115th in leap years). There are 251 days remaining.
- 1533 - William I of Orange, Dutch uprise leader and national "father" († 1584)
- 1815 - Anthony Trollope, English novelist († 1882)
- 1856 - Henri Philippe P�tain, French soldier and statesman († 1951)
- 1873 - Theodor K�rner, general and politician († 1957)
- 1876 - Erich Raeder, commander in chief of the German navy
- 1878 - Jean Crotti, Swiss artist († 1958)
- 1882 - Hugh Dowding, Scottish fighter pilot († 1970)
- 1883 - Jaroslav Hasek, Czech author († 1923)
- 1889 - Sir Stafford Cripps, British politician († 1952)
- 1896 - Benjamin Whorf, American linguist († 1941)
- 1904 - Willem de Kooning, Dutch painter († 1997)
- 1905 - Robert Penn Warren, writer, Pulitzer Prize winner, first American Poet Laureate († 1989)
- 1906 - William Joyce, Irish-British fascist propagandist, writer and traitor († 1946)
- 1914 - Justin Wilson, Cajun humorist, chef, writer († 2001)
- 1914 - William Castle, director, producer († 1977)
- 1924 - Sir Clement Freud, British writer, radio personality and politician
- 1926 - Thorbj�rn F�lldin, Prime Minister of Sweden
- 1930 - Jerome Callet, musician
- 1930 - Richard Donner, director, producer
- 1934 - Shirley MacLaine, actress and author
- 1940 - Sue Grafton, author
- 1942 - Richard M. Daley, politician
- 1942 - Barbra Streisand, singer, actress, director
- 1952 - Jean-Paul Gaultier, fashion designer
- 1953 - Eric Bogosian, actor, writer
- 1954 - Jerry Seinfeld, actor, comedian
- 1954 - Mumia Abu-Jamal, journalist and political activist
- 1962 - Jeff Minter, computer games programmer
- 1964 - Cedric the Entertainer, comedian, actor
- 1964 - Djimon Hounsou, actor
- 1973 - Sachin Tendulkar, Indian cricket player
- 1982 - Kelly Clarkson, singer, winner of the first American Idol competition
- 1731 - Daniel Defoe, English writer (* circa 1660)
- 1736 - Eugene of Savoy, French-Austrian general (* 1663)
- 1924 - Granville Stanley Hall, psychologist (* 1844)
- 1938 - George Grey Barnard, sculptor (* 1863)
- 1942 - Lucy Maude Montgomery, Canadian author (* 1874)
- 1947 - Willa Cather, writer (* 1873)
- 1965 - Louise Dresser, actress
- 1967 - Vladimir Komarov, cosmonaut on Soyuz 1 (* 1927)
- 1974 - Bud Abbott, actor, comedian (* 1895)
- 1982 - Ville Ritola, Finnish athlete (* 1896)
- 1986 - Wallis Simpson, mistress and wife of The Duke of Windsor (* 1896)
Holidays and observances
See Also:
April 23 - April 25 - March 24 - May 24 -- listing of all days
January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December