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Cuisine of Greece

Greek cuisine is the cuisine deriving from Greece mainland and its associated islands. Given the geography and history of Greece, this style of cookery has heavy leanings towards Middle Eastern cuisine. The terrain has tended to favour the production of goats and sheep over cattle, and thus beef dishes tend to be a rarity by comparison. Fish dishes are also common, although today most of the fish is imported since the Mediterranean Sea is quite overfished. Olive oil, produced from the trees prominent throughout the region, adds to the distinctive taste of Greek food. Many dishes use filo pastry. Too much refinement is generally considered to be against the hearty spirit of the Greek cuisine. Traditionally, Greek dishes are served warm rather than hot as easting too hot was deemed unhealthy.

Table of contents
1 Appetizers
2 Famous Greek dishes
3 Desserts
4 Drinks


Most of these are served with pita bread -- a round flat wheat bread made with yeast.

Famous Greek dishes



See also: cuisine, Feta cheese