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In mathematics, the combined differentiation/integration operator used in fractional calculus is called the differintegral, and it has a few different forms which are all equivalent, provided that they are initialized (used) properly.

It is noted:

and is most generally defined as:

Table of contents
1 Standard definitions
2 Definitions via transform
3 History
4 Web Resources
5 Book resourcees

Standard definitions

By far, the three most common forms are:

This is the simplest and easiest to use, and consequently it is the most often used.

We first introduce the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral, which is a straight-forward generalization of the Cauchy formula for repeated integration:

This gives us integration to an arbitrary order. To get differentation to an arbitrary order, we simply integrate to arbitrary order n-q, and differentiate the result to integer order n. (We choose n and q so that n is the smallest positive integer greater than or equal to q (that is, the ceiling of q)):

Thus, we have differentiated n-(n-q)=q times. The RL differintegral is thus defined as(the constant is brought to the front):


When we are taking the differintegral at the upper bound (t), it is usually written:


And when we are assuming that the lower bound is zero, it is usually written:
That is, we are taking the differintegral of f(t) with respect to t.

see for more info: Riemann-Liouville differintegral.


see for more info: Grunwald-Letnikov differintegral.

see for more info: Weyl differintegral.

Definitions via transform

Any function can be defined in a space isomorphic to a space which it has been shown to be defined in. We therefore define the differintegral via its behavior in certain transformed spaces corresponding to some common transformations.

This easily generalizes to:


Note, however, that there are no bounds of differintegration.

Generalizing to arbitrary order and solving for Dqf(t), one obtains:


Again, there are no bounds of differintegration.


Web Resources

Book resourcees

"An Introduction to the Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential Equations"
by Kenneth S. Miller, Bertram Ross (Editor)
Hardcover: 384 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.00 x 9.75 x 6.50
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 1 edition (May 19, 1993)
ASIN: 0471588849

"The Fractional Calculus; Theory and Applications of Differentiation and Integration to Arbitrary Order (Mathematics in Science and Engineering, V)"
by Keith B. Oldham, Jerome Spanier
Publisher: Academic Press; (November 1974)
ASIN: 0125255500

"Fractional Differential Equations. An Introduction to Fractional Derivatives, Fractional Differential Equations, Some Methods of Their Solution and Some of Their Applications." (Mathematics in Science and Engineering, vol. 198)
by Igor Podlubny
Publisher: Academic Press; (October 1998)
ISBN: 0125588402