Eighty-second United States Congress
= Members of the Eighty-Second United States Congress =
1951 - 1952
- Fred George Aandahl (Representative), Republican, ND
- Watkins Moorman Abbitt (Representative), Democrat, VA
- Thomas Gerstle Abernethy (Representative), Democrat, MS
- Edwin Ross Adair (Representative), Republican, IN
- Hugh Joseph Addonizio (Representative), Democrat, NJ
- George David Aiken (Senator), Republican, VT
- Carl Bert Albert (Representative), Democrat, OK
- Asa Leonard Allen (Representative), Democrat, LA
- John Joseph Allen, Jr (Representative), Republican, CA
- Leo Elwood Allen (Representative), Republican, IL
- Herman Carl Andersen (Representative), Republican, MN
- Clinton Presba Anderson (Senator), Democrat, NM
- John Zuinglius Anderson (Representative), Republican, CA
- August Herman Andresen (Representative), Republican, MN
- George William Andrews (Representative), Democrat, AL
- Victor L'Episcopo Anfuso (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Homer Daniel Angell (Representative), Republican, OR
- Orland Kay Armstrong (Representative), Republican, MO
- Wayne Norviel Aspinall (Representative), Democrat, CO
- James Coats Auchincloss (Representative), Republican, NJ
- William Hanes Ayres (Representative), Republican, OH
- Cleveland Monroe Bailey (Representative), Democrat, WV
- Howard Henry Baker (Representative), Republican, TN
- Claude Ignatius Bakewell (Representative), Republican, MO
- Graham Arthur Barden (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Walter Stephan Baring, Jr (Representative), Democrat, NV
- William Aloysius Barrett (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Joseph Bengal Bates (Representative), Democrat, KY
- William Henry Bates (Representative), Republican, MA
- Laurie Calvin Battle (Representative), Democrat, AL
- James Glenn Beall (Representative), Republican, MD
- John Valentine Beamer (Representative), Republican, IN
- Lindley Garrison Beckworth, Sr (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Page Henry Belcher (Representative), Republican, OK
- George Harrison Bender (Representative), Republican, OH
- Charles Edward Bennett (Representative), Democrat, FL
- John Bonifas Bennett (Representative), Republican, MI
- Wallace Foster Bennett (Senator), Republican, UT
- William Benton (Senator), Democrat, CT
- Lloyd Millard Bentsen, Jr (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Ellis Yarnal Berry (Representative), Republican, SD
- Jackson Edward Betts (Representative), Republican, OH
- Cecil William (Runt) Bishop (Representative), Republican, IL
- William Wallace Blackney (Representative), Republican, MI
- John Anton Blatnik (Representative), Democrat, MN
- James Caleb Boggs (Representative), Republican, DE
- Thomas Hale Boggs, Sr (Representative), Democrat, LA
- Richard Walker Bolling (Representative), Democrat, MO
- Frances Payne Bolton (Representative), Republican, OH
- Herbert Covington Bonner (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Reva Zilpha Beck Bosone (Representative), Democrat, UT
- Frank Townsend Bow (Representative), Republican, OH
- Frank William Boykin (Representative), Democrat, AL
- Ernest King Bramblett (Representative), Republican, CA
- William Gilmer Bray (Representative), Republican, IN
- Edward Grimes Breen (Representative), Democrat, OH
- Walter Ellsworth Brehm (Representative), Republican, OH
- Ralph Owen Brewster (Senator), Republican, ME
- John William Bricker (Senator), Republican, OH
- Henry Styles Bridges (Senator), Republican, NH
- Styles Bridges (Senator), Republican, NH
- Overton Brooks (Representative), Democrat, LA
- Clarence J. Brown (Representative), Republican, OH
- Paul Brown (Representative), Democrat, GA
- Charles Bruce Brownson (Representative), Republican, IN
- Joseph Raleigh Bryson (Representative), Democrat, SC
- Frank Buchanan (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Vera Daerr Buchanan (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Charles Anthony Buckley (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Hamer Harold Budge (Representative), Republican, ID
- Howard Homan Buffett (Representative), Republican, NE
- Usher Lloyd Burdick (Representative), Republican, ND
- Omar Truman Burleson (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Maurice Gwinn Burnside (Representative), Democrat, WV
- Clarence Godber Burton (Representative), Democrat, VA
- Fred Ernst Busbey (Representative), Republican, IL
- Alvin Ray Bush (Representative), Republican, PA
- Prescott Sheldon Bush (Senator), Republican, CT
- Hugh Alfred Butler (Senator), Republican, NE
- John Cornelius Butler (Representative), Republican, NY
- John Marshall Butler (Senator), Republican, MD
- Harry Flood Byrd (Senator), Democrat, VA
- William Thomas Byrne (Representative), Democrat, NY
- John William Byrnes (Representative), Republican, WI
- Harry Pulliam Cain (Senator), Republican, WA
- Albert Sidney Camp (Representative), Democrat, GA
- Gordon Canfield (Representative), Republican, NJ
- Clarence Andrew Cannon (Representative), Democrat, MO
- Homer Earl Capehart (Senator), Republican, IN
- Frank Carlson (Senator), Republican, KS
- Frank Ertel Carlyle (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Albert Sidney Johnson Carnahan (Representative), Democrat, MO
- Joseph Leonard Carrigg (Representative), Republican, PA
- Clifford Philip Case (Representative), Republican, NJ
- Francis Higbee Case (Senator), Republican, SD
- Emanuel Celler (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Virgil Munday Chapman (Senator), Democrat, KY
- Richard Thurmond Chatham (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Dennis Chavez (Senator), Democrat, NM
- Frank Leslie Chelf (Representative), Democrat, KY
- John Edgar Chenoweth (Representative), Republican, CO
- Robert Bruce Chiperfield (Representative), Republican, IL
- Earl Chudoff (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Marguerite Stitt Church (Representative), Republican, IL
- Louis Gary Clemente (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Earle C Clements (Senator), Democrat, KY
- Cliff Clevenger (Representative), Republican, OH
- Albert McDonald Cole (Representative), Republican, KS
- William Sterling Cole (Representative), Republican, NY
- William Meyers Colmer (Representative), Democrat, MS
- Jesse Martin Combs (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Thomas Terry (Tom) Connally (Senator), Democrat, TX
- Harold Dunbar Cooley (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Jere Cooper (Representative), Democrat, TN
- John Sherman Cooper (Senator), Republican, KY
- Robert James Corbett (Representative), Republican, PA
- Guy Cordon (Senator), Republican, OR
- Norris H. Cotton (Representative), Republican, NH
- Frederic Ren� Coudert, Jr (Representative), Republican, NY
- Edward Eugene Cox (Representative), Democrat, GA
- Fred Lewis Crawford (Representative), Republican, MI
- Robert Crosser (Representative), Democrat, OH
- Shepard J. Crumpacker, Jr (Representative), Republican, IN
- Paul Harvey Cunningham (Representative), Republican, IA
- Carl Thomas Curtis (Representative), Republican, NE
- Thomas Bradford Curtis (Representative), Republican, MO
- Wesley Abner D'Ewart (Representative), Republican, MT
- Paul Bartram Dague (Representative), Republican, PA
- Clifford Davis (Representative), Democrat, TN
- Glenn Robert Davis (Representative), Republican, WI
- James Curran Davis (Representative), Democrat, GA
- William Levi Dawson (Representative), Democrat, IL
- Charles Bennett Deane (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Edward deGraffenried (Representative), Democrat, AL
- James Joseph Delaney (Representative), Democrat, NY
- John Joseph Dempsey (Representative), Democrat, NM
- Harmar Denny Denny, Jr (Representative), Republican, PA
- Winfield Kirkpatrick Denton (Representative), Democrat, IN
- James Patrick Sinnott Devereux (Representative), Republican, MD
- John David Dingell (Representative), Democrat, MI
- Everett McKinley Dirksen (Senator), Republican, IL
- Isidore Dollinger (Representative), Democrat, NY
- James Isaac Dolliver (Representative), Republican, IA
- George Anthony Dondero (Representative), Republican, MI
- Harold Daniel Donohue (Representative), Democrat, MA
- James George Donovan (Representative), Democrat, NY
- William Jennings Bryan Dorn (Representative), Democrat, SC
- Robert Lee Doughton (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Paul Howard Douglas (Senator), Democrat, IL
- John Vernard Dowdy (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Clyde Gilman Doyle (Representative), Democrat, CA
- James Henderson Duff (Senator), Republican, PA
- Carl Thomas Durham (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Henry Clarence Dworshak (Senator), Republican, ID
- James Oliver Eastland (Senator), Democrat, MS
- Charles Aubrey Eaton (Representative), Republican, NJ
- Herman Peter Eberharter (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Zales Nelson Ecton (Senator), Republican, MT
- Allen Joseph Ellender (Senator), Democrat, LA
- Carl Atwood Elliott (Representative), Democrat, AL
- Mathew Harris Ellsworth (Representative), Republican, OR
- Charles Henry Elston (Representative), Republican, OH
- Clair Engle (Representative), Democrat, CA
- Joseph Landon Evins (Representative), Democrat, TN
- George Hyde Fallon (Representative), Democrat, MD
- Michael Aloysius Feighan (Representative), Democrat, OH
- Frank Fellows (Representative), Republican, ME
- Ivor David Fenton (Representative), Republican, PA
- Homer Samuel Ferguson (Senator), Republican, MI
- Antonio Manuel Fernandez (Representative), Democrat, NM
- Antonio Fern�s-Isern (Resident Commissioner), Popular Democrat, PR
- Sidney Asher Fine (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Ovie Clark Fisher (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Ralph Edward Flanders (Senator), Republican, VT
- Daniel John Flood (Representative), Democrat, PA
- John Edward Fogarty (Representative), Democrat, RI
- Aime Joseph Forand (Representative), Democrat, RI
- Elijah Lewis Forrester (Representative), Democrat, GA
- James Beriah Frazier, Jr (Representative), Democrat, TN
- Joseph Allen Frear, Jr (Senator), Democrat, DE
- Thomas Bacon Fugate (Representative), Democrat, VA
- J. William Fulbright (Senator), Democrat, AR
- James Grove Fulton (Representative), Republican, PA
- John Foster Furcolo (Representative), Democrat, MA
- Ralph Abernethy Gamble (Representative), Republican, NY
- Edward Alexander Garmatz (Representative), Democrat, MD
- Julian Vaughan Gary (Representative), Democrat, VA
- Ezekiel Candler Gathings (Representative), Democrat, AR
- Leon Harry Gavin (Representative), Republican, PA
- Myron Virgil George (Representative), Republican, KS
- Walter Franklin George (Senator), Democrat, GA
- Guy Mark Gillette (Senator), Democrat, IA
- Wilson Darwin Gillette (Representative), Republican, PA
- James Stephen Golden (Representative), Republican, KY
- Angier Louis Goodwin (Representative), Republican, MA
- Thomas Sylvy Gordon (Representative), Democrat, IL
- Albert Arnold Gore, Sr (Representative), Democrat, TN
- Ed Lee Gossett (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Louis Edward Graham (Representative), Republican, PA
- William Thomas Granahan (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Walter Keil Granger (Representative), Democrat, UT
- George McInvale Grant (Representative), Democrat, AL
- Theodore Francis Green (Senator), Democrat, RI
- William Joseph Green, Jr (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Ernest Greenwood (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Noble Jones Gregory (Representative), Democrat, KY
- Dwight Palmer Griswold (Senator), Republican, NE
- Harold Royce Gross (Representative), Republican, IA
- Ralph Waldo Gwinn (Representative), Republican, NY
- Harold Christian Hagen (Representative), Farmer Laborite, MN
- Robert Hale (Representative), Republican, ME
- Edwin Arthur Hall (Representative), Republican, NY
- Leonard Wood Hall (Representative), Republican, NY
- Charles Abraham Halleck (Representative), Republican, IN
- Cecil Murray Harden (Representative), Republican, IN
- Porter Hardy, Jr (Representative), Democrat, VA
- Oren Harris (Representative), Democrat, AR
- Burr Powell Harrison (Representative), Democrat, VA
- Robert Dinsmore Harrison (Representative), Republican, NE
- William Henry Harrison, Jr (Representative), Republican, WY
- Edward Joseph Hart (Representative), Democrat, NJ
- Ralph Harvey (Representative), Republican, IN
- Franck Roberts Havenner (Representative), Democrat, CA
- Carl Trumbull Hayden (Senator), Democrat, AZ
- Lawrence Brooks Hays (Representative), Democrat, AR
- Wayne Levere Hays (Representative), Democrat, OH
- Felix Edward H�bert (Representative), Democrat, LA
- Erland Harold Hedrick (Representative), Democrat, WV
- James Joseph Heffernan (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Louis Benjamin Heller (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Robert Clymer Hendrickson (Senator), Republican, NJ
- Thomas Carey Hennings, Jr (Senator), Democrat, MO
- Albert Sydney Herlong, Jr (Representative), Democrat, FL
- Christian Archibald Herter (Representative), Republican, MA
- John Walter Heselton (Representative), Republican, MA
- William Emil Hess (Representative), Republican, OH
- Bourke Blakemore Hickenlooper (Senator), Republican, IA
- Joseph Lister Hill (Senator), Democrat, AL
- Lister Hill (Senator), Democrat, AL
- William Silas Hill (Representative), Republican, CO
- Patrick Jerome Hillings (Representative), Republican, CA
- John Carl Williams Hinshaw (Representative), Republican, CA
- Charles Bernard Hoeven (Representative), Republican, IA
- Clyde Roark Hoey (Senator), Democrat, NC
- Clare Eugene Hoffman (Representative), Republican, MI
- Richard William Hoffman (Representative), Republican, IL
- Chester Earl Holifield (Representative), Democrat, CA
- Spessard Lindsey Holland (Senator), Democrat, FL
- Otis Halbert Holmes (Representative), Republican, WA
- Clifford Ragsdale Hope (Representative), Republican, KS
- Walter Franklin Horan (Representative), Republican, WA
- Charles Robert Howell (Representative), Democrat, NJ
- Hubert Horatio Humphrey, Jr (Senator), Democrat, MN
- Lester Callaway Hunt (Senator), Democrat, WY
- Allan Oakley Hunter (Representative), Republican, CA
- Frank Neville Ikard (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Theodore Leonard Irving (Representative), Democrat, MO
- Irving McNeil Ives (Senator), Republican, NY
- Donald Lester Jackson (Representative), Republican, CA
- Henry Martin Jackson (Representative), Democrat, WA
- Benjamin Franklin James (Representative), Republican, PA
- John Jarman (Representative), Democrat, OK
- Jacob Koppel Javits (Representative), Republican, NY
- Edward Halsey Jenison (Representative), Republican, IL
- Thomas Albert Jenkins (Representative), Republican, OH
- William Ezra Jenner (Senator), Republican, IN
- Benton Franklin Jensen (Representative), Republican, IA
- Edwin Carl Johnson (Senator), Democrat, CO
- Justin Leroy Johnson (Representative), Republican, CA
- Lyndon Baines Johnson (Senator), Democrat, TX
- Olin DeWitt Talmadge Johnston (Senator), Democrat, SC
- Edgar Allan Jonas (Representative), Republican, IL
- Hamilton Chamberlain Jones (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Paul Caruthers Jones (Representative), Democrat, MO
- Robert Emmett Jones, Jr (Representative), Democrat, AL
- Woodrow Wilson Jones (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Walter Henry Judd (Representative), Republican, MN
- Frank Melvin Karsten (Representative), Democrat, MO
- Robert Winthrop Kean (Representative), Republican, NJ
- Bernard William Kearney (Representative), Republican, NY
- Carroll Dudley Kearns (Representative), Republican, PA
- Kenneth Barnard Keating (Representative), Republican, NY
- John Kee (Representative), Democrat, WV
- Maude Elizabeth Kee (Representative), Democrat, WV
- Carey Estes Kefauver (Senator), Democrat, TN
- Augustine Bernard Kelley (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Edna Flannery Kelly (Representative), Democrat, NY
- James Preston Kem (Senator), Republican, MO
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Representative), Democrat, MA
- Eugene James Keogh (Representative), Democrat, NY
- John Hosea Kerr (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Robert Samuel Kerr (Senator), Democrat, OK
- Charles Joseph Kersten (Representative), Republican, WI
- Clarence Evans Kilburn (Representative), Republican, NY
- Paul Joseph Kilday (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Harley Martin Kilgore (Senator), Democrat, WV
- Cecil Rhodes King (Representative), Democrat, CA
- Karl Clarence King (Representative), Republican, PA
- Michael Joseph Kirwan (Representative), Democrat, OH
- Arthur George Klein (Representative), Democrat, NY
- John Carl Kluczynski (Representative), Democrat, IL
- William Fife Knowland (Senator), Republican, CA
- Thomas Henry Kuchel (Senator), Republican, CA
- Thomas Joseph Lane (Representative), Democrat, MA
- William Langer (Senator), Republican, ND
- Henderson Lovelace Lanham (Representative), Democrat, GA
- William Courtland Lantaff (Representative), Democrat, FL
- Henry Dominique Larcade, Jr (Representative), Democrat, LA
- Henry Jepson Latham (Representative), Republican, NY
- Karl Miles Le Compte (Representative), Republican, IA
- Herbert Henry Lehman (Senator), Democrat, NY
- John Lesinski, Jr (Representative), Democrat, MI
- Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr (Senator), Republican, MA
- Russell Billiu Long (Senator), Democrat, LA
- Harold Orrin Lovre (Representative), Republican, SD
- Wingate Hezekiah Lucas (Representative), Democrat, TX
- John Emmett Lyle, Jr (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Thaddeus Michael Machrowicz (Representative), Democrat, MI
- Peter Francis Mack, Jr (Representative), Democrat, IL
- Russell Vernon Mack (Representative), Republican, WA
- William Kingsland Macy (Representative), Republican, NY
- Ray John Madden (Representative), Democrat, IN
- Clare Magee (Representative), Democrat, MO
- Warren Grant Magnuson (Senator), Democrat, WA
- George Herman Mahon (Representative), Democrat, TX
- George Wilson Malone (Senator), Republican, NV
- Michael Joseph (Mike) Mansfield (Representative), Democrat, MT
- Fred Marshall (Representative), Democrat, MN
- Edward Martin (Senator), Republican, PA
- Joseph William Martin, Jr (Representative), Republican, MA
- Thomas Ellsworth Martin (Representative), Republican, IA
- Noah Morgan Mason (Representative), Republican, IL
- Burnet Rhett Maybank (Senator), Democrat, SC
- Patrick Anthony (Pat) McCarran (Senator), Democrat, NV
- Eugene Joseph McCarthy (Representative), Democrat, MN
- Joseph Raymond McCarthy (Senator), Republican, WI
- John Little McClellan (Senator), Democrat, AR
- Samuel Kerns McConnell, Jr (Representative), Republican, PA
- John William McCormack (Representative), Democrat, MA
- William Moore McCulloch (Representative), Republican, OH
- Gordon Leo McDonough (Representative), Republican, CA
- Ernest William McFarland (Senator), Democrat, AZ
- Christopher Columbus McGrath (Representative), Democrat, NY
- J. Harry McGregor (Representative), Republican, OH
- John Andrew McGuire (Representative), Democrat, CT
- Clifford Guy McIntire (Representative), Republican, ME
- Kenneth Douglas McKellar (Senator), Democrat, TN
- Clinton Dotson McKinnon (Representative), Democrat, CA
- Brien McMahon (Senator), Democrat, CT
- John Lanneau McMillan (Representative), Democrat, SC
- Chester Bartow McMullen (Representative), Democrat, FL
- William Estus McVey (Representative), Republican, IL
- George Meader (Representative), Republican, MI
- Chester Earl Merrow (Representative), Republican, NH
- Arthur Lewis Miller (Representative), Republican, NE
- Edward Tylor Miller (Representative), Republican, MD
- George Paul Miller (Representative), Democrat, CA
- William Edward Miller (Representative), Republican, NY
- Eugene Donald Millikin (Senator), Republican, CO
- Wilbur Daigh Mills (Representative), Democrat, AR
- Hugh Burnton Mitchell (Representative), Democrat, WA
- Almer Stillwell Mike Monroney (Senator), Democrat, OK
- Arthur Edson Blair Moody (Senator), Democrat, MI
- Albert Paul Morano (Representative), Republican, CT
- Thomas Ellsworth Morgan (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Toby Morris (Representative), Democrat, OK
- James Hobson Morrison (Representative), Democrat, LA
- Wayne Lyman Morse (Senator), Republican, OR
- Thruston Ballard Morton (Representative), Republican, KY
- Morgan Moore Moulder (Representative), Democrat, MO
- Abraham Jacob Multer (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Walter Mann Mumma (Representative), Republican, PA
- Karl Earl Mundt (Senator), Republican, SD
- John Robert Murdock (Representative), Democrat, AZ
- James Joseph Murphy (Representative), Democrat, NY
- James Edward Murray (Senator), Democrat, MT
- Reid Fred Murray (Representative), Republican, WI
- Thomas Jefferson Murray (Representative), Democrat, TN
- Matthew Mansfield Neely (Senator), Democrat, WV
- Charles Pembroke Nelson (Representative), Republican, ME
- Donald William Nicholson (Representative), Republican, MA
- Richard Milhous Nixon (Senator), Republican, CA
- Albin Walter Norblad, Jr (Representative), Republican, OR
- William Frank Norrell (Representative), Democrat, AR
- George Donoghue O'Brien (Representative), Democrat, MI
- Leo William O'Brien (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Thomas Joseph O'Brien (Representative), Democrat, IL
- Herbert Romulus O'Conor (Senator), Democrat, MD
- Joseph Patrick O'Hara (Representative), Republican, MN
- Alvin Edward O'Konski (Representative), Republican, WI
- Joseph Christopher O'Mahoney (Senator), Democrat, WY
- Harry Patrick O'Neill (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Donald Lawrence O'Toole (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Frank Charles Osmers, Jr (Representative), Republican, NJ
- Harold Charles Ostertag (Representative), Republican, NY
- Otto Ernest Passman (Representative), Democrat, LA
- John Orlando Pastore (Senator), Democrat, RI
- John William Wright Patman (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Harold Ambrose Patten (Representative), Democrat, AZ
- James Thomas Patterson (Representative), Republican, CT
- Carl Dewey Perkins (Representative), Democrat, KY
- Philip Joseph Philbin (Representative), Democrat, MA
- John Phillips (Representative), Republican, CA
- Thomas Augustus Pickett (Representative), Democrat, TX
- William Robert Poage (Representative), Democrat, TX
- James Gould Polk (Representative), Democrat, OH
- Charles Edward Potter (Senator), Republican, MI
- C. Norris Poulson (Representative), Republican, CA
- Prince Hulon Preston, Jr (Representative), Democrat, GA
- Charles Melvin Price (Representative), Democrat, IL
- James Percy Priest (Representative), Democrat, TN
- Winston Lewis Prouty (Representative), Republican, VT
- William Arthur Purtell (Senator), Republican, CT
- Thomas Vincent Quinn (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Louis Charles Rabaut (Representative), Democrat, MI
- Edmund Patrick Radwan (Representative), Republican, NY
- Albert McKinley Rains (Representative), Democrat, AL
- Robert Lincoln Ramsay (Representative), Democrat, WV
- John Elliott Rankin (Representative), Democrat, MS
- Samuel Taliaferro Rayburn (Representative, Speaker of the House), Democrat, US
- Henry Frazier Reams (Representative), Independent, OH
- Monroe Minor Redden (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Brazilla Carroll Reece (Representative), Republican, TN
- Chauncey William Reed (Representative), Republican, IL
- Daniel Alden Reed (Representative), Republican, NY
- Edward Herbert Rees (Representative), Republican, KS
- Kenneth Mills Regan (Representative), Democrat, TX
- George Milton Rhodes (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Abraham Alexander Ribicoff (Representative), Democrat, CT
- James Prioleau Richards (Representative), Democrat, SC
- Roy Walter Riehlman (Representative), Republican, NY
- John Jacob Riley (Representative), Democrat, SC
- Lucius Mendel Rivers (Representative), Democrat, SC
- Kenneth Allison Roberts (Representative), Democrat, AL
- Absalom Willis Robertson (Senator), Democrat, VA
- Edward John Robeson, Jr (Representative), Democrat, VA
- Peter Wallace Rodino, Jr (Representative), Democrat, NJ
- Byron Giles Rogers (Representative), Democrat, CO
- Dwight Laing Rogers (Representative), Democrat, FL
- Edith Nourse Rogers (Representative), Republican, MA
- Walter Edward Rogers (Representative), Democrat, TX
- John James Rooney (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr (Representative), Democrat, NY
- Robert Tripp Ross (Representative), Republican, NY
- Richard Brevard Russell, Jr (Senator), Democrat, GA
- Adolph Joachim Sabath (Representative), Democrat, IL
- Antoni Nicholas Sadlak (Representative), Republican, CT
- Leverett Saltonstall (Senator), Republican, MA
- Lansdale Ghiselin Sasscer (Representative), Democrat, MD
- John Phillips Saylor (Representative), Republican, PA
- Paul Fornshell Schenck (Representative), Republican, OH
- Andrew Frank Schoeppel (Senator), Republican, KS
- George Blaine Schwabe (Representative), Republican, OK
- Hardie Scott (Representative), Republican, PA
- Hugh Doggett Scott, Jr (Representative), Republican, PA
- Errett Power Scrivner (Representative), Republican, KS
- Hubert Baxter Scudder (Representative), Republican, CA
- Frederick Andrew Seaton (Senator), Republican, NE
- Robert Thompson Secrest (Representative), Democrat, OH
- Horace Seely-Brown, Jr (Representative), Republican, CT
- Paul Werntz Shafer (Representative), Republican, MI
- Timothy Patrick Sheehan (Representative), Republican, IL
- John Francis Shelley (Representative), Democrat, CA
- Harry Richard Sheppard (Representative), Democrat, CA
- Dewey Jackson Short (Representative), Republican, MO
- Alfred Dennis Sieminski (Representative), Democrat, NJ
- Robert Lee Fulton Sikes (Representative), Democrat, FL
- Richard Murray Simpson (Representative), Republican, PA
- Sidney Elmer Simpson (Representative), Republican, IL
- Edward Lewis Sittler, Jr (Representative), Republican, PA
- George Armistead Smathers (Senator), Democrat, FL
- Frank Ellis Smith (Representative), Democrat, MS
- Howard Alexander Smith (Senator), Republican, NJ
- Howard Worth Smith (Representative), Democrat, VA
- Lawrence Henry Smith (Representative), Republican, WI
- Margaret Chase Smith (Senator), Republican, ME
- Willis Smith (Senator), Democrat, NC
- Wint Smith (Representative), Republican, KS
- John Jackson Sparkman (Senator), Democrat, AL
- Brent Spence (Representative), Democrat, KY
- William Lee Springer (Representative), Republican, IL
- Katharine Price Collier St. George (Representative), Republican, NY
- Harley Orrin Staggers (Representative), Democrat, WV
- Thomas Bahnson Stanley (Representative), Democrat, VA
- Thomas Jefferson Steed (Representative), Democrat, OK
- Karl Stefan (Representative), Republican, NE
- John Cornelius Stennis (Senator), Democrat, MS
- William Grady Stigler (Representative), Democrat, OK
- Lowell Stockman (Representative), Republican, OR
- John Berchmans Sullivan (Representative), Democrat, MO
- James Patrick Sutton (Representative), Democrat, TN
- John Taber (Representative), Republican, NY
- Boyd Anderson Tackett (Representative), Democrat, AR
- Robert Alphonso Taft (Senator), Republican, OH
- Henry Oscar Talle (Representative), Republican, IA
- Dean Park Taylor (Representative), Republican, NY
- Olin Earl Teague (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Albert Thomas (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Clark Wallace Thompson (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Ruth Thompson (Representative), Republican, MI
- William Homer Thornberry (Representative), Democrat, TX
- Edward John Thye (Senator), Republican, MN
- Charles William Tobey (Senator), Republican, NH
- Thor Carl Tollefson (Representative), Republican, WA
- Harry Lancaster Towe (Representative), Republican, NJ
- James William Trimble (Representative), Democrat, AR
- Thomas Rust Underwood (Senator), Democrat, KY
- Richard Bernard Vail (Representative), Republican, IL
- William Kaiser Van Pelt (Representative), Republican, WI
- James Edward Van Zandt (Representative), Republican, PA
- Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg (Senator), Republican, MI
- Albert Clinton Vaughn, Sr (Representative), Republican, PA
- Harold Himmel Velde (Representative), Republican, IL
- Carl Vinson (Representative), Democrat, GA
- John Martin Vorys (Representative), Republican, OH
- Charles Wesley Vursell (Representative), Republican, IL
- Francis Eugene Walter (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Arthur Vivian Watkins (Senator), Republican, UT
- John Clarence Watts (Representative), Democrat, KY
- Alvin F. Weichel (Representative), Republican, OH
- Philip James Welch (Representative), Democrat, MO
- Herman Welker (Senator), Republican, ID
- Thomas Harold Werdel (Representative), Republican, CA
- James Ernest Wharton (Representative), Republican, NY
- William McDonald Wheeler (Representative), Democrat, GA
- Kenneth Spicer Wherry (Senator), Republican, NE
- John Albert Whitaker (Representative), Democrat, KY
- Jamie Lloyd Whitten (Representative), Democrat, MS
- Victor Eugene Wickersham (Representative), Democrat, OK
- William Beck Widnall (Representative), Republican, NJ
- Roy William Wier (Representative), Democrat, MN
- Richard Bowditch Wigglesworth (Representative), Republican, MA
- Alexander Wiley (Senator), Republican, WI
- John Bell Williams (Representative), Democrat, MS
- John James Williams (Senator), Republican, DE
- William Robert Williams (Representative), Republican, NY
- Edwin Edward Willis (Representative), Democrat, LA
- Earl Wilson (Representative), Republican, IN
- Joseph Franklin Wilson (Representative), Democrat, TX
- William Arthur Winstead (Representative), Democrat, MS
- Garrett Lee Withers (Representative), Democrat, KY
- Gardner Robert Withrow (Representative), Republican, WI
- Jesse Paine Wolcott (Representative), Republican, MI
- Charles Anderson Wolverton (Representative), Republican, NJ
- John Stephens Wood (Representative), Democrat, GA
- John Travers Wood (Representative), Republican, ID
- Roy Orchard Woodruff (Representative), Republican, MI
- Sidney Richard Yates (Representative), Democrat, IL
- Samuel William Yorty (Representative), Democrat, CA
- Milton Ruben Young (Senator), Republican, ND
- Clement John Zablocki (Representative), Democrat, WI