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Folketinget or the Folketing, the name given to the Danish Parliament. In Danish it means the peoples parliament.

Table of contents
1 History
2 According to the constitution…
3 Ekstern link


From 1849 to 1953 the Folketing was one of the houses in the bicameral parliament known as the Rigsdag; the other house was known as called the "Landsting". Since both houses had equal power, the terms "upper house" and "lower house" should not be used. The difference between the houses was voter representation. While the Folketing represented independent farmers, traders and merchants as well as the educated classes (i.e. the liberal liberal forces of society), the Landsting predominantly represented the old aristocracy and other conservatives.

In facing the "threat" from socialism from the 1920s and onwards, the conservatives (who had formed the Conservative Party) and the liberals (who had formed the Liberal Party or Venstre) started working together in the Landsting.

In 1953 the people by popular vote adopted a new constitution. Among the changes was the elimination of the Landsting and the introduction of a unicameral parliament, known only as the Folketing.

Ever since 1849 Christiansborg has been the domicile of parliament.

According to the constitution…

Ekstern link – The official website of the Folketing