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Ion Iliescu

Ion Iliescu (born March 3 1930, Olteniţa) is the current President of Romania.

His current and last term will expire in December 2004. Iliescu previously held the presidency of Romania for two terms: 1990-1992 and 1992-1996. The Constitution of Romania specifies that presidents can be elected for a maximum of 2 terms, but the Constitution was adopted in 1991, the first elections under the new constitution were held in 1992.

Iliescu was a member of Romanian Communist Party (PCR) and held state office before the Communist fall in 1989. He was a founding member of the National Salvation Front (FSN: Frontul Salvării Naţionale), and followed it in its vagaries: FDSN (Frontul Democrat al Salvării Naţionale), then the Social Democratic Party of Romania (PDSR).

His political convictions seem to have evolved as well, from a staunch proponent of socialism to that of a social democrat. Lately he has become a critic of the government and some of its social policies.

see also Politics of Romania