July 20
July 20 is the 201st day (202nd in leap years) of the year in the Gregorian Calendar, with 164 days remaining.
- 1304 - Francesco Petrarch, poet (� 1374)
- 1847 - Max Liebermann, painter and graphic artist (� 1935)
- 1890 - Theda Bara (Theodosia Burr Goodman), actress (� 1955)
- 1894 - Errett Cord, automobile entrepreneur
- 1895 - L�szl� Moholy-Nagy, painter, photographer, sculptor (� 1946)
- 1919 - Sir Edmund Hillary, mountain climber
- 1920 - Elliott Richardson, American politician (� 1999)
- 1928 - Pavel Kohout, writer
- 1932 - Otto Schily, politician
- 1933 - Cormac McCarthy, author
- 1934 - Uwe Johnson, writer
- 1936 - Elizabeth Dole, American politician
- 1937 - Guglielmo Marconi, inventor
- 1938 - Natalie Wood, actress: From Here to Eternity, Rebel Without a Cause, West Side Story
- 1938 - Dame Diana Rigg, actress
- 1945 - Kim Carnes, singer
- 1946 - Randal Kleiser, film director
- 1947 - Carlos Santana, guitarist, singer
- 1973 - Haakon Magnus, Crown Prince of Norway
Holidays and observances
See Also:
July 19 - July 21 - June 20 - August 20 -- listing of all days
January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December