This is a list of notable people, whether contemporary, historical or legendary, who are or were involved in any of the following practices and traditions:
The subject is one that has attracted hoaxes, folklore, and tall tales; the inclusion of a person on this list means only that they have been associated with the practice of paranormal magic, but not necessarily that they did practice it.For a list of sleight of hand artists and practitioners of stage magic, see: List of magicians.
Some historical or legendary magicians, wizards, witches, or people who have been claimed to be so, are:
Famous magicians:
Classical mythology:
Ancient world:
Mediæval Europe:
Enlightenment and early modern period:
Nineteenth century:
Twentieth century:
Magical movements, societies, and organisations:
Rosicrucian Movements:
Other Mystical Movements:
Fictional wizards, magicians, and witches: