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In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, the fictional Nandor were Elves of Telerin descent, who left the Great March from Cuivienen to Valinor as the Elves reached the Hithaeglir (Misty Mountains). Under their leader Lenwë (Dan in their own language), a group of Teleri turned south along the Great River (Anduin), and disappeared from written history. Nandor eventually became their term for themselves, and meant people of Dan in their own language.

Many years later a group of Nandor under Denethor, son of Lenwë, crossed the Ered Luin into Ossiriand, which was after named Lindon, or Land of the singers, after these elves. They became known as the Laiquendi or Green Elves.

The Silvan Elves of Mirkwood and Lothlórien were descended from the Nandor (but most of their lords were not), as were the Elves which dwelt at Edhellond near Dol Amros during the early days of Gondor.

Nandorin, the language of the Nandor, gradually disappeared from [[Middle-earth] ] after the end of the First Age, when Sindarin elves merged with the Silvan folk and were taken as their lords. Nandorin/Silvan gradually became extinct, surviving only in placenames such as Laurelindórinan/Lindórinand (old names for Lórien) and proper names such as Amroth. The daily tongue of the Silvan elves became Sindarin, or a Sindarin with some Silvan influences.