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Orders of magnitude (time)

Orders of magnitude (time)

Powers of 103
equal to...
common units
orders of magnitude
1 yoctosecond
10-24 s
1 ys, 10 ys, 100 ys
1 zeptosecond
10-21 s
1 zs, 10 zs, 100 zs
1 attosecond
10-18 s
1 as, 10 as, 100 as
1 femtosecond
10-15 s
1 fs, 10 fs, 100 fs
1 picosecond
10-12 s
1 ps, 10 ps, 100 ps
1 nanosecond
10-9 s
1 ns, 10 ns, 100 ns
1 microsecond
10-6 s
1 µs, 10 µs, 100 µs
1 millisecond
10-3 s
1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms
1 second
1 s
minute = 60 s
1 s, 10 s, 100 s
1000 seconds
16.7 minutes
hour = 3600 s
day = 86 400 s
103 s , 104 s , 105 s
1 million seconds
11.6 days
month = 2.6 x 106 s
year = 31.6 x 106 s
106 s , 107 s , 108 s
1000 million seconds
32 years
century = 3.16 x 109 s
109 s , 1010 s , 1011 s
1012 seconds
32 000 years
1012 s , 1013 s , 1014 s
1015 seconds
32 million years
1015 s , 1016 s , 1017 s
1018 seconds
32 billion years
1018 s , 1019 s and more

The pages linked in the right-hand column contain lists of times that are of the same order of magnitude (power of ten). Rows in the table represent increasing powers of a thousand (3 orders of magnitude)

Orders of magnitude of other quantities: length, area, volume, mass

See also SI, SI prefixes, SI base units, units, time, orders of magnitude