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Palm Chat

Palm Chat
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Scientific classification
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Binomial name
Dulus dominicus
The Palmchat Dulus dominicus, is a small passerine bird which is the sole member of the family Dulidae. It is thought to be related to the waxwings, and is sometimes classified with that group.

It is found in the Dominican Republic and is numerous on Hispaniola. This bird builds large communal stick nests, and lives on flowers and berries. it is a woodland bird, but adapts well to areas such as city parks.

This bird resembles an oriole in structure, but is brownish above, and buff, heavily streaked with brown, below. It does not have the soft silky plumage of the waxwings or silky-flycatchers.