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Reservoirs and dams in New Zealand

Many of the reservoirs and dams in New Zealand have been developed principally to produce hydroelectricity. The main river systems comprising a series of dams and powerhouses are situated on the following rivers:
The Waikato River
The Waitaki River
The Clutha River

Other schemes are standalone developments associated with specific sites.

Table of contents
1 The Waikato
2 The Waitaki
3 Standalone schemes

The Waikato

The hydro stations, starting from Lake Taupo, are:

The Waitaki

The river is developed in two areas - The upper Waitaki and the mid Waitaki. There are two dams on the upper Waitaki, the Pukaki high dam and the Ruataniwha dam. In the upper Waitaki, water is passed from storage lakes through canals to each power station.

The stations are:

The mid Waitaki power stations discharge water back into the Waitaki River which then forms a storage lake for the next station in the chain. The three power stations are:

Standalone schemes

Manapouri does not rely on a high dam to provide water - it takes advantage of the natural 178-metre height difference between Lake Manapouri and the sea at Deep Cove in Doubtful Sound, in