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St Edmund Hall, Oxford

St Edmund Hall, Oxford, front quadrangle
St. Edmund Hall is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. Within the University, it is better known by its nickname, "Teddy Hall". It is notable as the oldest of Oxford's academic houses and as the oldest undergraduate institution in the English-speaking world.

Table of contents
1 History
2 Notable Former Students
3 Academics/Teachers
4 Official Website


Like the University of Oxford itself, the precise date of foundation of St Edmund Hall is ambiguous; it is usually estimated at 1225. The college is named after St Edmund of Abingdon, the first known Oxford Master of Arts and the first Oxford-educated Archbishop of Canterbury, who lived and taught on the college site.

St Edmund Hall began life as one of Oxford's ancient Aularian houses, the medieval halls that laid the foundation of the University, preceeding the creation of the first colleges. As the only surviving medieval hall, its members are known as "Aularians". St Edmund Hall took on the status of a college in 1957, though retaining the historic moniker of "Hall".

The college has a history of independent thought, which has brought it into regular conflict with both church and state. During the late 14th century and early 15th century, it was a bastion of the Wyclif heresy, for which college principal William Taylor was ultimately burnt at the stake. In the 17th century, it incurred the wrath of the crown for fostering non-jurists, men who remained loyal to the Scottish House of Stuart and who refused to take the oath to the German House of Hanover, whom they regarded as having usurped the British throne.

The student body is historically known for prowess in sport, especially rugby. Recently, it has also demonstrated strength in journalism, drama, and student politics.

With some 340 undergraduates, 85 graduate students, and 40 fellows, St Edmund Hall is a large college by Oxford standards.

Notable Former Students


Official Website