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Tomelilla is a municipality in southern Sweden, in the county of Skåne. The municipality covers an area of 398.7 km². Of the total population of 12372, 6159 are male, and 6213 are female. The population density of the community is 31 inhabitants per km².

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Municipalities of Skåne:
Bjuv  |  Bromölla  |  Burlöv  |  Båstad  |  Eslöv  |  Helsingborg  |  Hässleholm  |  Höganäs
Hörby  |  Höör  |  Klippan  |  Kristianstad  |  Kävlinge  |  Landskrona  |  Lomma  |  Lund  |  Malmö
Osby  |  Perstorp  |  Simrishamn  |  Sjöbo  |  Skurup  |  Staffanstorp  |  Svalöv  |  Svedala  |  Tomelilla
Trelleborg  |  Vellinge  |  Ystad  |  Åstorp  |  Ängelholm  |  Örkelljunga  |  Östra Göinge

Counties of Sweden  |  Sweden